Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 1, 2016

How is Lorenzo changed by the end

In the end of the book Lorenzo have become completely different person. In the beginning of the book he just a kid who hiding in the basement by himself who doesn't want to talk to anybody. Now Lorenzo become more open. He doesn't want to stay in the basement alone anymore. He fell like someone still love him. " I sighed and, awkwardly, I began to dance. That's what I hate the most. Dancing. But this evening I danced, and when I danced I felt something I'd never felt before. I felt alive- It take my breath away". That is the moment change Lorenzo life. He feel can feel love; the thing that he never felt before. He doesn't feel alone anymore. He become outgoing. He doesn't like to stay alone anymore. Finally you can see it just take a moment to chances people life and in the story the moment that Lorenzo dance with Olivia change his life.  

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