Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 1, 2016


Minh Anh Duong
English II
Ms.  Guarino

After read I chapter 5 and 6. I think those chapter is a very

important chapter in the book, because now there is other

person living in the basement with Lorenzo. That person is

Olivia who is Lorenzo stepsister. In one morning Lorenzo

was receive a call with the wired number, when he pick up

is Olivia the stepsister who he had not met since 1998. She

was call to ask if Lorenzo parent home? And where is him?. 

Frist he think this a trap so he lie that he is on the ski trip

with his friend. An hour later Olivia comes to the basement

to found the box that belongs to her and she saw Lorenzo in

the basement instead of the ski trip like he said and the .

Olivia doesn’t care about that and promise to him that she

will not tell anybody that Lorenzo was here. The reason why

she call Lorenzo to check that his parents was home or not

is because Olivia have a very bad relationship with Lorenzo

parent, and she really hate Lorenzo dad. After Olivia left,

Lorenzo go back to enjoy his song Soul Reaver. Then really

late at night Lorenzo was about to sleep, suddenly there

was somebodies knocking on the window. Lorenzo try to

look out side and it was Olivia again and now she wants to

stay in the basement with Lorenzo because she has

nowhere to sleep tonight. First he was very angry and say

no because he worry that she make mess thing up, is really

dangerous to go and open the front door now and there is

not enough food and the basement was very small for two

people, he just wanted to be alone. After arguing back and

front decided if Lorenzo doesn’t let her in she was tell

anybody that Lorenzo was in the basement all the time, and

she actuary did it in the middle of the night she sound “

Listen up, everyone! Can you hear me? A boy is hiding in

the cellar. It’s Lorenzo Cuni, who’s pretending to be away

on ski week… hello.. “. So finally he have to let here in even

thought he really hate here now. In the next morning Olivia

was sick really bad. She ask Lorenzo for saying one more

night but Lorenzo didn’t let here stay. Suddenly Lorenzo

mom calls him again to ask to see Alssia’s mom. Now he

doesn’t know what to do finally he ask Olivia for pretend

Alssia’s mom and to her mother. But he to promised that he

will do everything Olivia said. So Olivia can stay In the

basement from now on.

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