Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2016

blog due

                A bed of Clouds 
© Ashley L. May 
Published on February 2006

I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky,
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,
I think my dreams keep me sane,
I dream of happiness, a life without pain,
some people say I'm stuck in this place,
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there,
I know some day I'll have to wake up,
but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare,
I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland,
this poem goes to all the dreamers that understand,
no matter what they say...
keep your dreams but don't dream your life away 

The poem was really grab my attention. The author used a words that is very clear and easy to understand, that was the first thing that grab my attention. The author also use a lot rhyme in the poem. For example like ( Sky- By ), ( sane-pain ), ( wonderland- understand ). Its sound very beautiful when you read the poem out loud. The main reason that make me love this poem, and why its stand out from other is the meaning of the poem is very deep. Some poem when I finish reading I didn't get anything from it, I suddenly forget about it. For this poem after I finished reading it, is make me stop and think for a moment, thing about what is that deep meaning mean, and I think somehow the author is taking about me. It make me cannot forget it after reading the poem. The poem talk about people dream when they sleep. Those dream a very beautiful, a dream full of happiness, a life without pain. It make people don't want to wake up, because these life was to beautiful in the dream. They feel save when they in the dream. They affect that when they wake up they have to face the suffer that they having, because everybody have something that they are suffer in their life. They know that those dream will never last for long, but no matter what people say, they need those dream to make, their life better. The reason why I said I feel like the poem is talk about me because sometime when I have a bad day, when everything is just not on my side I choose to close my to because I think when I close my eyes I can forget the real world, forget those thing that I have to face. And than when I wake up I feel like a was having a great start again. That is the reason why this poem for me stand out of all other poem.

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