Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 10, 2015

In Korea, people always wanted to become normal.
In US, American wants to be unique; they do not want to look similar with others.
In Korea, I always needed to help my mom to do the all the housework. My brothers do not need to do everything
In the US, I can see the men and women can work together, not only women work in the kitchen.
In Korea, the younkers should to pay the bills; elders do not need to pay that.
In the US, people think that they just need to pay their own money for everything.
In Korea, parents decided the marriage
In the US, people can talk and decide the marriage.
In Korea, I just needed to study hard and then I can get the high scores.
In the US, I need to translate Korean into English, then make a whole sentence, and finally speak.


Melancholy: noun
a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression

Imposing: adjective
Very impressive because of great size, stately appearance, dignity, elegance, etc.:

Stroll verb
To walk leisurely as inclination directs; ramble; saunter; take a walk

Transformed: verb
To change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose

Neglected: verb
To pay no attention or too little attention to;disregard or slight

Mixer: noun
A person, with reference to sociability

Invigorate: verb 
To give vigor to; fill with life and energy; energize
Oddball noun
 A person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs that are unusual but harmless.
Pretentious adjective
Making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious


Fulfill verb 
To carry out, or bring to realization, as a prophecy orpromise
Ramble verb
To take a course with many turns or windings, as astream or path

rankly adverb

 Manner; freely; candidly; openly; plainly

Horrify verb  
To distress greatly; shock or dismay


Demerit noun
A mark against a person for misconduct or deficiency


Humility noun


The quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, ranked.

Harmony noun
A consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity

Embassador noun

Farmhouse noun,
house on a farm, especially the one used by the farmer and farmer's family

acre: noun
a common measure of area: in the U.S. and U.K.,1 acre equals 4,840 square yards (4,047 square meters) or 0.405 hectare; 640 acres equals one square mile

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 10, 2015

Fist come to America.

Same with Sookan, I have a really long flight to get to America. It took me 25 hour, the funny thing is I have to transport in Korea her country fist and then get to the America. On the air plane I really worry that,  how can I live with out my parent? how is the food there? is there any Vietnamese or only me and my brother is Vietnamese?. I also have a some question like Sookan, how can I make a new friend? Would they understand me? How can I keep up with them? Would they like my? Would I like them. I think all people who going to America to study will have the same worry, but I'm more lucky than Sookan because I have my mom and dad come with me for the frist week. When I come to the airport like Sookan I have to go to newyork city first, the airport was a lot huger than what I think people here is really different is have a lot of differnent multiethnic and a lot of people come to Americe. Only line up for entry is take me other hour.

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 10, 2015

3,4 question

  1. Teachers’ advices are music and studio courses, but why did she finally choose world literature, religions and some hard courses? Just because of tuition? 
  2. Why did she didn’t say anything when she met Marci, silent to walk together to go to dining hall. 
  3. Does she think baby sitting for Bennetts on Saturday easy or hard?
  4. When they ate sandwich in a narrow path, they are silence, do you think this silence are as same as last silence, what did Sookan feel that Marci waited for her and did not go to dining hall?
  5. Why they talked about their best time? And they talked about their best friends, do you think Sookan thought Marci is her good friend?

Chapter 3,4 question

  1. Teachers’ advices are music and studio courses, but why did she finally choose world literature, religions and some hard courses? Just because of tuition? 
  2. Why did she didn’t say anything when she met Marci, silent to walk together to go to dining hall. 
  3. Do she think baby sitting for Bennetts on Saturday easy or hard?
  4. When they ate sandwich in a narrow path, they are silence, do you think this silence are as same as last silence, what did Sookan feel that Marci waited for her and did not go to dining hall?
  5. Why they talked about their best time? And they talked about their best friends, do you think Sookan thought Marci is her good friend?

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 10, 2015

Sook Nyul Choi

Her full name is Sook Nyul Choi. Her family name is Choi, her negative language is Korean but her writing is in English . She born in 1937, this how to write her name in Korean 최숙녈. Her writing style is non-fiction novel. She often write about a Korean American children's storybook author.   
Duong Minh Anh.
English II ( IS ) – 1 ( F ).
                                                               Experience Essay.
The true is I’m not interesting in reading book very much even if the book is in

Vietnamese I still don’t interesting in reading it and reading is my worst skill in

English and this is I want to improve more in my reading skill. I don’t know why I

found that reading is really hard for me, maybe is because I can not sit still for hour

and hour to read a book I always get broad or sleepily when I reading a book for a

long time , I can not focus on it I always get distract by other thing out side. The

other reason is when finish one page and go to other page to read I somehow forget

what happen in the other page so that is really difficult for me to understand the

book and is take me really long time to finish the book and that is the reason why I

don’t really like reading and I always get a not good score in a reading assignment.

In my life I never found a book for myself to read even is in my language or in

English in case is it the schoolwork than I have to read it.  The nearest book that I

read is Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi is it the graphic novel about the Marjane

childhood and somehow Persepolis is my favorite book in class and in general

because is a graphic novel so is have a lot of picture and the author us some really

common English words so is really easy to understand. If I forget what I just read I

can just easily come back look at the picture or even read it again because is not to

many words and the story itself is really interesting is make me want to read it more

and more because I want to know what happen in the next place, I really like the

ending of the book to, is make the reader curious about what happen Majane mother

and what happen next of the story, the book is to exacting to me I even buy a second

chapter to read I never do that ever in my life this is my first time trying  to found a

book to read by myself not because of the school work then I have to read it Is not

like a normal novel with just words and words and really hard to understand.  In

this year I found out that reading book is not to bad there is still  the graphic norvel

that can fit me and that I like to read. This year is the first time in my life that I try to

found a book and inserting to read by myself not waiting for the teacher to assigns it  

and I really happy about that