Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 4, 2016

Out line

                                                                            Finding opal.
For this project. I’m going to work with Jerry and Leo. We have an Idea that, we will create the board game. Base on the idea of the Saboteur game. One person will be the dwarves. He will be mining for god, but in the illegal ways, that mean the steal the gold from other person. The other person job is to find out the person who still the gold, and protect he mining. The class will be making up in to two groups. There will be 1 boss, 1 profiteer, and 1 geologist. Each one will have their job. The boss tries to help both groups. The Profiteer deals with everyone. The geologist hunts crystals rather than gold. We will pretend the gold is the opal, the dwarves will be Old Sild , and all the rest will be the member of Ashmol family  ( Pobby and Dingan too) and the people in Lighning village. And all of them will protect the opal, by find out who is the dwarves and make him go to jail. Which group find out the dwarves that group will win. Everybody will have 30 min to find the dwarves. That is what we have for now, but we will be create more in the game in the future. Sometime relate more about the the story. Maybe we will call this game finding the opal instead of saboteur. Finally I learn that broad game are not that broing and you need team work a lot to do something succesful. Even though we have 3 people in are group but is going to take a long time to make this perfect. We have to learn how to play this, add more to it to make it more relate to the novel and more instesting. 
Contents: 15 personality card, 32 gold nuggets, 21 action cards, 30 path cards, rules. 

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