Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2016

Reflect on creative project

Minh Anh Duong
English II ( IS )
Ms. Guarino
                                         Reflect on creative project.
         In This project, I’m in the same group with Jerry and Leo.  Together we have decided to create a broad game, that relate to the story in novel. We borrowed the idea of the game called Saboteur 2, and we created and remake it to make it more relate to the novel, but we still kept the idea of the game.
         The main idea of the game is; the class will be dividing into the side. The one will be on the good side, one will be on the bad side, and one will be Kellyanne. There will be a lot of character is on the good side, only two will be on the bad side, and one will be Kellyanne, That mean there will be a lot of good character in the class and they will find again the other two. In this situation the good people is Ashmol family member expect Kellyanne. The bad people will be Old Sild and his friend. The Role of the Good people is they have to find the opal that we already hide, by connecting the road together to make their way to opal. The role of the bad people is they have to stop good people from taking other Opal by destroying the road or use Punishment by using the action card if in the end if the good people cannot find the opal the bad people will win. Kellyanne will be the special character. The person who is Kellyanne is not finding opal or stops the good people finding opal. Kellyanne role is she has to let the bad and good people to finding Pobby and Dingan. So we can all learn form the story that for Kellyanne Pobby and Dingan is more important than opal. She wants everybody looking for Pobby and Dingan and believe that they were real.
         The reason why we choose this to be a final project is because we are all love board game. Its we felt more interesting while we doing the project. We were having different role every time. Sometime me and Jerry cut all the note card for Leo to draw, sometime Jerry cut the note card for Me and Leo to draw. We rotated the role every time; so one person didn’t get broad of doing the same role again and again. In the end, we are very pound of our self that we are already finish the project on the, even though we had a lot of work to do. In my opinions our project come out very well. We change the original game; to our own game to make it similar and after playing the game people can learn about the novel. I think that is our strengths that we have a lot of idea. Our Weaknesses is the drawing part. The part where took us a very long time to finish drawing, and as you can see our drawing was not very good, is even hard to understood what we draw, so we really scared that people didn’t know what we are tried to draw. We threw a lot of note card away because we fail to draw what we wanted to draw. The hardest thing to draw was the character card, especially Pobby and Dingan because they are imaginary. So we have to also use our Imaginary to draw Pobby and Dingan, and the road card was very easy to drew.   

         After all in this project I learned a lot of thing. For example the group work is very important. We have to talk to each other so that we can agree on each other idea; it was very hard to choose who idea is better. I learned that every member of the group is very important, if one person did something wrong, the group is in a lot of trouble. So I learned that we should respect and listen to your group member, because is better to doing thing with more than one people. If I have to do this project alone I will not be able to finish on time. Finally the thing that we are all learn is that we can not draw.

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