Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2016

Writing visit

Minh Anh Duong
English  ( IS )
Ms. Gaurino
25.2. 2016
                                     Writing Centre visit.

Last time when I went to the writing center, it helped me a lot in the essay. Before that I was totally loosed. I have a lot of grammar mistake; I don’t know where to start with. Then I decided to go to the writing center for helped. It was my first time went to the writing center, and I was very suspires because is helped me a lot in my essay. She teach me how to put my grammar right, and she gave the start to my essay. She even teach a lot of thing about how to put the comma, pried the right place, and more grammar that I don’t even know before. So after that day I think the writing center is very helpful, so I decide to come a again today to get help in my newest essay, and is helped my a lot once again. She teach me how to organizes my paragraph she said I should put thesis statement in last of my introduction. She tough me the title for the book must be underlined, and when I mention the book for the first time I should put the author name in. For the movie title is should be indent, and if I mention is the first time I also need to put the name of the director of the movie. I the most helpful thing that she did is; she taught me carefully about what is the different between the summaries and the analyze the thing that I found very hard.  She tell which part have to much summaries, with part need more analyze, which part is good. In my opinions I think my essay have became much better than before. Even though I didn’t have very much time with her yet. But I will come back because right now I didn’t feel proud about my essay yet.

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