Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 3, 2016


What connection does Asmol make between the land covered with seawater and Pobby and Dingan? Why is that important to the story?
When he was riding the bike through the seawater land. He suddenly remember that what his mom and dad said about this land. They said this land is like the ocean is full with water and the sky of opal is a very beautiful land, but actually the land is very dry and full of sand and rock, but some people in town thing the same way that Ashmol think about the land to. At that time Ashmol suddenly believe that Pobby and Dingan was real, because he thing everything could be true on life, even we might of might not see it. Is it very important because he started to believe Kellyanne, believe that Pobby and Dingan is real not in Kellayanne imagination.

5. In the very end of the novel, Ashmol talks about what it’s like to “believe in something which is hard to see. Or to keep looking for something that’s totally hard to find.” Discuss the importance of imagination and dreams in this novel. Why are they so important even if they cannot be seen. Consider what dreams Rex, the father, and Annie, the mother, have in the story. Consider, also, the dream that Ashmol has. How do those "unseen" dreams connect to Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan?
Rex: In the story Rex the father have a dream that he could find the opal, and become rich so the family can change their life. So he move the family from England to Australia just to make his dream come true. Everytime he try he feel like he is nearly there, so his dream of finding opal become bigger when he trying to find the opal everyday. But he just never find it. Even when his sons Ashmol has already found it is still not belong to Rex. Because Ashmol already promised to kellyanne that he would not sell for money, because  kellyanne think that opal was belong to Dingan when she still a life. She want Asmol to keep it for memory. But in the end Ashmol still sell is to Mr. Dandunkey for a land to burn Pobby and Dingan after they die. That show family is more important than money, because Ashmol have the same opal dream with his farther both of them are working very hard to find the opal, but when he already find it he decided to keep the promise with kellyanne.

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