Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2016

What happen over break?t

                                                                My spring break.
I didn't have a chances to came back to Vietnam in this spring break. But I have a changes to saw mu mom becasue she came to visit me and my brother. Our plant is we will go to California later on the break becasue my brother when on the school trip to peru. So me and my mom came to Boston first. When we got there suddenly I remember that I have not bring my passort with me. So we decided to come all the way back to school to take my passort. Is seem like everything is not on my side, on the way to sacramento I have lost my passort and wallet in the airplane. On the wallet I have 300$, my creadit card and my ID, but we don't worry about the wallet. We are worry about the passort, because is might rules our plan. We planing to go to Los Angles too. Becasue of that we have to stay at the airport really late to found it, but is was to late. They are already close . We ask for help but they ask us to come back at 5:30am the next day, because the first figt in the morning is at 7am. So maybe we have a change to found it on the plane. At that time is was already 2am in the morning, so we onky have 3 hour of sleep is was really a nightmares . We come back the next day, we spent other hour to locking for it. We still did find it. Then we decided to go to san francisco to make a new passort for me. Finally I have a new passort. I will never forgot this spring break, becasue is was to memorable. Other than that I was having fun. I went to Hollywood, Universal Studios, and Disneyland. That is my first time I came there, so is was very beautiful and amazing for me.

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